The Big Three – Part 1: Deadlift


This is Part 1 of a 3-part series dedicated to the Big Three Lifts. Many elite coaches advocate working on the deadlift as an essential part of any training program. Due to its full body recruitment, it’s a great exercise to add overall muscle mass and more importantly, it restructures the body into better posture if done properly. A hip hinge to pick things up is a natural primal movement and it just happens to be how we best handle moving heavy things from one place to another. For athletes, the deadlift trains the legs and the body to work in conjunction to push hard into the ground. With the right program, deadlifts can improve running speed and the vertical jump. If the squat is the king of exercises than the deadlift is the queen. And we all know from chess that while the king is crucial, the queen is the real game-changer.

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